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Remove Emails from Mamutu accounts if they are not used for a long period - I found I was already registered with a Mamutu account (from the previous time this was given away), but I'd stopped using it within a few months.

I may not be happy with the servicxe so remove it from my system, yet the ?Email I used to create an account remains with the developer. This should be removed after a certain period of inactivity. It's an easy matter to re-register a new account if necessary, but if the developer was hacked my Email would be lifted

whiterabbit-uk , 14.07.2011, 07:40
Idea status: under consideration


Sf3soft, 14.07.2011, 08:58
Instead of this, actually it should be user deactivation. So if the user wants to stop using it, they can simply delete/cancel their account. You don't want accounts to just be deleted, some people may want it later on.

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